By Michelle Tucker
©2010 Michelle Tucker
Yikes, my child has to do a Science Fair Project! We parents are thinking, that spells, WORK, WORK, WORK. The work responsibility should be on the child. After all, we parents want our children to have learning experiences.
Here is my step by step advice to make this a successful and happy endeavor for you and your child:
1. First, tell your child in advance, that you want to see his/her idea before committing to it with her teacher. Parents, if your child is planning a science fair topic or experiment that is impossible, inappropriate or will cause undo stress on you and your child, say no. You will have to look at it and see what can be done that is reasonable.
For example, my daughter picked, "How attitude affects your performance (athlete's performance). After discussing how difficult getting athletes would be, we talked about other kinds of performance and settled on reading performance. My daughter realized that she had a lot more access to children, than athletes. Furthermore, she realized that she can easily do the data collection without her parents being involved. Yes!
More to come in Part 2.
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