What you are facing is very common. When a child is struggling to learn multiplication facts, flash cards soon become boring. I have had good response from my children, my students and students that I've tutored with these activities:
- Take the ordinary flash cards- Divide them into two piles. Someone and your child can play the card game, "WAR" with these multiplication flash cards. Children are excited to see, if they can get the most cards at the end.
- Multiplication with Dice- Your child throws two dice. He/She quickly looks at them and says the product. For example, the rolled dice come up as 6 x 4 and he/she says, "24." Practice until he/she can say them with at least twenty combinations in one minute. If you can find dodecahidran (ten sided dice) that go 0 to 9 and can be both rolled or in combination with the dice that go up to six dots. Then, you have the facts 0-9 (or even a 12 sided dice for 1-12).
- Multig - This game requires the use of a playing board on paper. It can be found in the book, Helping Children Learn Mathematics, Fourth Edition,©1995 by Allyn & Bacon
- Multiplication Games and Fun Activities:
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