Friday, October 8, 2010

Answer to the Sample POW

By Michelle Tucker ©2010 Michelle Tucker

     Yesterday I answered the question about what a POW - Problem of the Week is and in what ways it is useful.  I said that I would post the answer today.  First, I have copied the POW problem again from the website The Math Forum at

Flipping Coins

     Greg and Shelden made up a coin flipping game using one penny and one nickel. The two coins are tossed at the same time. If both coins land the same way, either both heads or both tails, Greg wins. If not, Sheldon wins.
1. If they play the game 60 times, about how many times would you expect each player to win?
Hint: The nickel heads and penny tails is different, than the penny heads and nickel tails.
Answer: Each player should win about 30 out of 60 games.
2. Is this a fair game?  Yes
[Mathematics consider a game to be fair if all players have an equal chance of winning]. Explain how you solved the problem.
I drew the choices for each toss.  There are two players.  Half of the time is 30.  Each player should win about 30 out of 60 games.

     When your child brings home a POW, you never want to solve it for him/her.  But, encourage him/her to take time to think about it and write down an explanation of how it was solved.  Your child will develop the thinking skills he/she needs.

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